After 2 years of the website being offline after Covid, the site is back up and published. I have alot of work to do on updating it. Many older posts in the blog have been lost but I have a backup saved that I will hopefully be able to restore down the line. We've been traveling almost constantly looking for new places to dig and staking claims both for ourselves and for others and helping a friend get his mining business off the ground. Travel will slow down towards the end of this year as winter approaches, but we still plan to travel to the southwest for the Tucson Show if all goes well. Hope you are all well and looking forward to getting this site going again....
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Watertown, South Dakota USA
​​Dominion Gems: High-end Gold & Gemstone Mines & Mining Claims for sale; Gems, Fine Minerals & Crystal Specimens, Australian, Virgin Valley Nevada & worldwide Opals; Agates; Lapidary Rough and Gemstones. Gem & Mineral exploration & consulting related to mining claims. Assisting with building gem & mineral collections & acquiring fine specimens and stones. We are REAL life gold & gemstone prospectors, we mine/buy/sell/trade etc.

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